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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

"Accomplish more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months."

JOIN THE 12 Week Year™ Accelerator
WITH brian moran & michael lennington
Here's What You'll Get:
  • 12 WEEK YEAR ACCELERATOR TRAINING: Get 6 weeks of LIVE Group Training so that you can get the 12WY Execution System Implemented ($1,997 VALUE)
  • Implement the exact system thousands of our clients have used to Accomplish more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months.
  • Just One Hour per week of LIVE training led by a Certified 12 Week Year Coach. 
  • All trainings will be recorded so that you can access them at your convenience. 
  • 12 WEEK YEAR ACCELERATOR COACHING – For the last 6 weeks get LIVE group coaching and accountability with Q&A to support you in creating productive routines and tailoring the system to your unique lifestyle to reach your goals faster ($1,997 VALUE)
  • ACHIEVE EXECUTION SOFTWARE – Get 12 Months  Access to our proprietary execution software to keep you on track and executing like a pro to reach your 12 Week Year Goals Faster.  ($997 VALUE)
  • 12 WEEK YEAR TRAINING PORTAL – Get on demand access to our  12WY training library so that you can get an even deeper understanding on how to get more done in 12 Weeks than most people do in a year ($997)
  • 12 WEEK YEAR COMMUNITY – Join a community of like minded people committed to accomplishing more in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months (PRICELESS)
  • LIVE MENTORING with Brian & Michael – Get a Group call with Brian & Michael to get your most pressing questions answered directly by the creators of the 12 Week Year™ ($4,997)

OVER $10,985

ONLY $1,497 One Time


  • 12 WEEK YEAR IMPLEMENTATION LAB - Get individual feedback on your 12WY plan directly from Brian and Michael to fast-track reaching your 12 Week Year Goals ($1,997)
  • FOR A LIMITED TIME - Get Individual Feedback from Michael & Brian on your 12 Week Year Plan 
  • NEW YEAR FAST ACTION BONUS - You will ALSO get access to: 
  • FOR A LIMITED TIME - Get LIFETIME access to the proprietary execution software of the 12 Week Year: ACHIEVE.
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    12 WEEK YEAR®